Introducing Italia del Gusto

Italia del Gusto is a consortium of leading Italian food and beverage companies. Our principal objective is to promote the culture, health and heritage of Italian food and to protect the provenance of 'Made in Italy' branded products.

Italia del Gusto's principal product categories include:

  • Pasta, fresh pasta, rice
  • Cheese
  • Cured meats
  • Olive oil, vinegar and spices
  • Poultry, fish and tuna
  • Snacks
  • Tomato and vegetable conserves
  • Fresh vegetables, frozen or canned
  • Water and fruit juices
  • Coffee
  • Dehydrated fruit
  • Honey, candies and chocolate
  • Wine and alcoholic beverages

Italia del Gusto promotes the Italian food industry and Italian agriculture worldwide, presenting Italian culture and cuisine with a selection of iconic products, brought to life in world famous recipes and authentic family stories.

One of our major goals is to promote the value of the Italian food:

  • Taste and enjoyment
  • Originality, quality and the importance of the ingredients
  • Tradition, reflected in recipes and in the products themselves
  • Simplicity
  • Health and wellbeing of the Mediterranean Diet
  • Clarifying and strengthening provenance of products labeled, 'Made in Italy'

Italia del Gusto strives to develop new and innovative ways to promote Italian food; we undertake extensive marketing and promotional activities in international markets, assisting the development of international sales for our members.

Our aim is to strengthen our brands’ positions in international markets through:

  • Developing trade marketing activities in the distribution and Ho.Re.Ca. sector.
  • Providing advice and recommendations with regard to global communications, research, events and sales promotions.
  • Undertaking public relations and social media activities.
  • Participating in international trade fairs (Sirha Lyon, Tuttofood Milan, Anuga Cologne and more)
  • Helping to create commercial and logistical synergies and partnerships amongst our fellow members.
  • Devising advertising campaigns and media strategies.

Italia del Gusto,
Ten things you should know!

One. What is Italia del Gusto?
Italia del Gusto is an alliance of over thirty major Italian food and wine companies.

Two. What brands do we encompass?
Italia del Gusto’s brands are all famous in Italy; an essential part of Italian’s daily lives.

Three. What do we offer
Italia del Gusto offers a choice of authentic Italian brands. Affordable, but of the highest quality.

Four. Our mission
Using Italy’s favourite brands, Italia del Gusto’s mission is to spread the Italian’s love of fine food across the world.

Five. Our values
Italia del Gusto seeks to promote, not only the food of Italy, but also the love of family, heritage and culture that underpins Italian life.

Six. Our promise
Every Italia del Gusto brand is a family owned or cooperative company. Behind every one is a personal history of hard work, authentic values and a personal commitment to quality.

Seven. A part of history
The companies within Italia del Gusto are rooted in the Italian homeland and the brands they represent are part of contemporary Italian history.

Eight. An artisan tradition
Traditional artisan skills, combined with the latest manufacturing techniques, guarantee that every Italia del Gusto product retains its authentic quality and taste – no matter how famous the brand.

Nine. Food culture
Italia del Gusto is a standard bearer for a positive global food culture – healthy, authentic food that encompasses tradition and convenience.

Ten. Working together
The companies within Italia del Gusto believe in cooperation and share common, positive family values. By combining delicacies, with recipes and menus, ours is an integrated gastronomic and oenological offering, a treat for food lovers around the world.

Passaporto del Gusto

Italia del Gusto has created the 'Passporto del Gusto', a 'Taste passport', which presents our Consortium, its members and explains more about their history and values.

You can download the 'Passaporto del Gusto' here.